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This is not a shopping website because this website operates as a non-profit (see, "His Idea" below). You are here today to get a T-shirt because you saw someone wear one and you asked where he/she got it. But, really? Why do you want one? I believe that deep down we want to personally connect with other Christians in a public setting. We have Sunday Church or home Church or Church-sponsored events where there's a safe space to meet other Christians. I value these settings because there's good preaching and deep bonds are built among local believers. But, what about public settings like the grocery store, the DMV, the dentist, any of the 59 National Parks, the restaurant, the gas station, etc. -places where your presence is irregular and momentary. I believe we want to show others that we are Christians without saying anything and without being overly loud or overly preachy. We want to be quickly identified as a Christian because following the "Way" is more important than being patriotic or being identified with a group or cause. I am frustrated with what's going in this nation and world. There is no common sense nor common decency. Having common sense and common decency must be special gifts from Holy Spirit since so many people lack them. {Proverbs 2:6-8) The current trajectory is that everything will get worse. If this country turns back to the God of the Bible, she will heal. If she doesn't, we will continue to persevere and look to the clouds for Jesus. Let us show this world who we are and let us show each other that we exist. With that being said/written, woe to those who wear this T-shirt and are not Christian at heart, mind, and soul. Now, that is a concrete image of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. Other than that, I'm a nobody. I did Romans 10:9-11 and was baptized in March of 2017. Before then, it took several years of asking the right questions, but even that, I'm taking too much credit. Looking back, I am amazed at how much my life has changed. My parents who remain unbelievers and my sister, who is very slowly seeing the light in a country dominated by materialism, see my blessings as being lucky. As Christians, we know that there is no luck or no coincidences. Sometimes there is probability, but most of the time, it is the Holy Spirit at work. I believe that there is a purpose for everyone. God's will will happen whether you are along with the ride or not. But, if you welcome His purpose for you, wonderful things happen and I know that He is happy when we are listening and obedient. In my prayers, which are too infrequent, I give thanks to God the Father; ask Him to forgive my sins; help me to deal with temptations of the eyes; ask that my will be aligned with His, and give me courage to change my life according to His purpose.
So, what's my purpose? I'm a giver. Proverb 3:9-10, Proverb 11:24-25, and 1 Tim 6:17-19 are all committed to memory. I give anonymously (Matt 6:3-4), so that God the Father is glorified and He in return will reward me. Sometimes, I struggle with this thought that my generosity is self-serving. But, I remind myself of 1 Tim 6:19 and 2 Cor 5:9 and I'm encouraged to give even more. With that being stated, I take joy in the physical things God provides. I will enjoy a nice vacation (tropical) and a nice meal (sushi) once in a while.
Jesus give us two commands: (1) Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. (2) Love your neighbor as yourself. Yeah, I struggle constantly with (2) and if I'm failing in (2), then I must not be doing (1) well either. How depressing... But, I can always count on Jesus' spirit to lead me, comfort me, protect me, scold me, and renew me. To me, "Love your neighbor as yourself", means to share the Gospel and to encourage fellow Christians. For it is by sharing the Gospel that we show our love for others. Those who do not accept the Gospel will be forever separated from God in the hopelessness that is called Hell. And, it is by encouraging our fellow Christians that we can persevere together as the persecutions increase.
Christians are to be recognizable by how they live, but how can you tell or advertise yourself as a Christian at a gas station or a grocery store? I'm sure this is a very common question. My attempt to answer the question started by putting a bumper sticker on my truck. It reads "Avoid Religion; Follow Jesus". I've gotten good responses from fellow Christians. Purposely, I drive a little slower, so those that are tail-gaiters can get a bit of "evangelism", albeit a pebble's worth. An added bonus is that it prevents me from getting road rage. Next, I started with T-shirts. One wrote "Jesus" with the middle "S" drawn as Superman's logo. Another is a picture of a Life Saver candy with "Jesus is my Life Savior". Another is a T-shirt I purchased from a Casting Crowns concert that has a drawing of a crown of thorns and "Only Jesus" written below. I have many more T-shirts. From the number of responses and the looks at the T-shirt (you can tell when people look at the T-shirt and not at you), I would conclude that T-shirts are the best advertisement vehicles in public. You can wear a necklace with a cross or even have a tattoo of a cross. But, it's always easier for your viewers to say, "I like your T-shirt" rather than "I like your necklace or tattoo". After the comment, it's easy to start a conversation and there's a genuine good feeling (almost relief) that there's concrete evidence of other brothers and sisters. Thus, started an idea.
I won't say that this is "my" idea. Failure or not, it is His idea (Isaiah 55:8-9). So, after a period of over a year, thinking and re-thinking, having a positive and then a negative opinion of this idea, I figure I'll give it a try. If it doesn't work, then I would know that, at least, I tried. This is the idea. This is not a for-profit venture nor are the proceeds of T-shirt sales donated to Christian-based organizations. T-shirts will be given out for free. And, for those who want to support this idea/mission, you can buy a T-shirt. The proceeds are rolled back into purchasing more T-shirts to either be given away or purchased. I'm expecting a large number of free T-shirt requests and I welcome it; however, at any given time, I may not have enough to service those requests. Hopefully, I can setup a geographic visual on this website of where the T-shirts are sent. The advertisement is word of mouth and, naturally, wearing the T-shirt in gatherings, private or public. Us, Christians, need to be visible in everyday life. We must all courageously share the persecution that is to come, so that God may finish His work in us on the day when Christ Jesus returns (Phil 1:6). We will lose the battles, but Jesus will win the war. I guarantee that by showing your faith, you will be looked down upon and belittled, but Luke 6:22 and Matt 10:32-33 will encourage you.
He is the potter and we are the clay (Isaiah 64:8). Everything comes from Him and exists by His power and for His glory (Romans 11:36). Those verses are the conclusions to my thoughts that day when the phrase "Only Jesus Matters" popped into my mind. The family and I were returning from a wonderful week-long trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton (side note: the views on the hike to Lake Solitude are like "oh... wow..."). The drive back was long, but easy. We had two kayaks in the bed of the truck and two up on the rack, strapped down tight. I'm always nervous about things flying out of the truck bed because it has happened more than once. So, I'm constantly looking at the rear-view mirror. At one point, traffic got heavy and I see in my rear-view mirror a small red compact car coming up fast. It moves to the passing lane and speeds on by. On the rear window of this compact hatchback is a sticker: "BLM: Black Lives Matter". Immediately, I get annoyed (not angry). As Christians we know the difference between "regular" anger and righteous anger. Anything that would make the God of the Bible angry is righteous anger. Now, does this work the same way for annoyance? Is there righteous annoyance? Well, why was I annoyed? Maybe because the media, virtue-signaling individuals, corporations, and universities are all pandering to this movement, elevating it pass the point where we can call it BLMM: "Black Lives Matter More". Apparently, saying that "all lives matter" is racist and will get you fired or expelled. Does fighting racism with more racism sound logical? The last time I checked, 2+2 still equals 4. But, now, it can equal 5. This is the level of insanity dominating the countries in the western world. Other countries are all laughing. A few day ago, I chatted with a tourist from Eastern Europe as he was buckling himself into a ride called "Panic Plunge" at Silverwood Theme Park. It's basically a pull-down ride that lasts for <2 seconds, not counting the "going-up" time. I see that he looked at my T-shift and I noticed he was formulating an English response. He said, "I going up to be closer to God". I jokingly responded, "Make sure to pray while you're at the top". The ride started going up and he replied, "I will pray for your country". I said, "This country needs it". At the top of the ride, there is no pause, only a mechanical click. Then, the plunge. The tourist is all wide-eyed as the buckling is released. He looks at me and says, "I didn't have time to pray at the top". I laughed. That interaction was the highlight of my day. Sorry, I digress. Back to my point. God loves us all and He is looking for His children for His family. All lives matter to Him, yet no lives matter if He can't find anyone righteous. Thankfully, God promises never to kill everything again with a flood and the reminder of His promise is a rainbow (Genesis 9). Technically, He would not be breaking His promise if He decided to kill everything again with something other than a flood (like a massive world-wide earthquake). Rather than start over again, God the Father sent His Son. Some Christians (and I used to be one of them) think that killing everyone was unfair. These high-body count events occur frequently in the Old Testament. Then, I heard Ravi Zacharias say: "It's not fair that God had to give up His son to die for us. It's not fair that we can escape Hell because we deserve it". Our lives are forfeit without Jesus. Our lives don't matter without Jesus. Only through Jesus are we forgiven. Only through Jesus are we saved. Only through Jesus are we righteous. Only through Jesus can we stand in the presence of God the Father. Only Jesus Matters. (Rev 1:8)
Update 11/30/21:
For some (maybe many) Christians, the Only Jesus Matters phrase is abrasive, corrosive (I like that word), and offensive. Clearly, the phrase gives a different emotional overtone than "Jesus Loves You". And this connotation is deliberate because it is the truth and, in this case, the truth is not someone's reality, but the absolute undeniable truth. This truth is meant to be in-your-face and controversial. Jesus choses you come out of this world and by doing so, the world will hate you. (John 15:18-19)
Update 08/24/24:
Only Jesus Matters is offensive to all unbelievers and to many Christians because it exports the idea of exclusivity. From an emotional point of view, to be excluded is demeaning. No one thrives or likes to be in that state. But with that exclusivity, we must also remember that Jesus accepts everyone by doing Romans 10:9-10.